2013 Kangeiko - a mid-winter training
For Children: Friday 11 to Sundai 13/Jan/2013
For Adults: Monday 14/Jan to Sunday 20/Jan *The last day is daytime class and party.
Venue: Shodokan HQ (Osaka, Japan)
Reporter: Shinnosuke Sakai & Nili Roberts

Children's class
Number of participantsAve.24/day
Contents The purpose for children's kangeiko of this year was "To be able to do Kakari-geoko"
Main contents of each day are as below.
- Basic physical training
- Basic plactice (Ukemi, Tanto-tsuki)
- Tanto-taisabaki-kyogi/Tanto-seigyo-kyougi
- Plactise for waza against tanto-tsuki

I feel each participants could make progress in basic important point. Avoid attack and keep him/her under control with stabilizing own posture.
And many of them could also make progress in Ukemi too. The unusulal atomosphere might let them do so.

Adult class: 1st day (Monday 14/Jan/2013)
Number of participants70
WeatherCloudy The temperature of this day: 8℃(highest)/4℃(lowest)
Contents - Four kotehineri from grips (aigamae juntedori & gyakutedori, gyakugamae juntedori & gyakutedori)
- Four + two kotegaeshi from grips (demonstrated, not practiced) - Four waza utilizing the kotehineri from grips
Nariyama shihan talked about the difference between the basic 17 for randori waza and the basic 19 for entire waza. The main difference appeares in Tekubi(wrist) waza.

Adult class: 2nd day (Tuesday 15/Jan/2013)
Number of participants69
WeatherFine The temperature of this day: 7℃(highest)/4℃(lowest)
Contents - The 5 kihon atemi waza followed by the 5 atemi waza from aigamae grips and the 5 atemi waza from gyakugamae grips. - Shihan talked about the weak points of the human body targeted by the atemi waza.

Not hit, but put your hand/arms to opponent's vital point, and break the blance to the weak direction. No need to change the elbow degree of own elbow.
Many vital points are on the center line in both of front side and back side.
Storong hit to the vital point may be also effective attack, but it against "catch/control without hurt". You can do it without storong hit.

Adult class: 3rd day (Wednesday 16/Jan/2013)
Number of participants69
Contents The week's theme is the 19 waza of the entire basic, which became the basic 17 waza of the randori basic.
Today, Shihan retraced the history of the structuring and naming of the techniques in our style.
We then practiced the 6 hiji waza and 10 oyo (application) hiji waza:
1. Oshitaoshi from aigamae grip;
2. Oshitaoshi (tentai) from aigamae grip with uke pulling;
3. Oshitaoshi from aigamae grip with uke pushing;
4. Oshitaoshi from shomen uchi attack;
5. Oshitaoshi from yokomen uchi attack;
6. Oshitaoshi from punch;
7. Wakigatame from aigamae grip;
8. Wakigatame from gyakugamae grip;
9. Hikitaoshi from aigamae grip;
10. Hikitaoshi from gyakugamae grip.

The good technique catch and control the opponent without hurt. Oshitaoshi and Wakigatame is good to practice to "catch and control the opponent without hurt."

Adult class: 4th day (Thursday 17/Jan/2013)
Number of participants62
Contents Review of the techniques practiced on days 1, 2 and 3:
- 4 waza using kotehineri;
- 4 waza using kotegaeshi;
- 5 atemi waza from aigamae grips;
- 5 atemi waza from gyakugamae grips;
- 10 oyo hiji waza (6 oshitaoshi and 4 wakigatame).
Many waza consists of basic waza. Nariyama Shihan showed 5 oyo waza (3 hikitaoshi, 1 throw from two-hand grab of the sleeves, udehineri from two-hand attack from behind).

Adult class: 5th day (Friday 18/Jan/2013)
Number of participants76
Contents Goshin Ho:
(8) Kumitachi (demonstrated);
(4) Suwari waza (demonstrated and practiced);
(4) Hanza handachi waza (demonstrated and practiced);
(5) Yari dori (demonstrated);
(8) Yari ni kumi tsukareta baai no hachihon (demonstrated);
(8) Tachi waza (demonstrated and practiced);
(8) Tanto dori (demonstrated and practiced).

The theme of The first half of the Kangeiko was basic 19. Goshin-no-waza includes waza that is not included in basic 17 for randori.
The 1st waza of toshu-tachiwaza (standing waza without weapon) is Aigamae-Gyakute-Kotehineri. The 2nd is Gyakugamae-Gyakute-Kotehineri. These can be learnt by basic 19.

Adult class: 6th day (Saturday 19/Jan/2013)
Number of participants70
Contents This morning's theme was idoryoku.
We did about a hundred hontai no tsukuri (shomenate), followed by tanto 17hon, then tanto taisabaki (no hands, then with tegatana) and we finished with kakarigeiko.
Kenji Tomiki explained about the impotance of idoryoku. To avoid attack, to uchikomi after taisabaki, to catch the opponent, then to break his/her balance and to apply waza, idoryoku - movemnet power- is used in all steps.
It is said that Morihei Uechiba moved very fast. But not everyone can do same trainig with Morihei Ueshiba. Hontai-no-tsukuri is a effective training of idoryoku for everyone.

Adult class: 7th day (Sunday 20/Jan/2013)
Number of participants57
Contents Last day
The session started at 1 pm and finished at 2:40.
We reviewed some of the sequences of waza practiced during the week and looked at some others that had not been presented earlier during the Kangeiko.
- 4 kotehineri grips + 4 kotegaeshi grips (see day 1);
- 4 oyo waza using kotehineri grips (see days 1 & 4);
- 4 oyo waza using kotegaeshi grips (see days 1 & 4);
- 5 honta no tsukuri;
- Aigamae ate oyo waza:
. Datsuryoku aigamae chudan;
. Datsuryoku aigamae gedan;
. Zempo ryote dori aigamae ura;
. Koho ryote dori ura;
. Shomen uchi kara aigamae ate;
. Yokomen uchi kara aigamae ate;
. Tsuki kara aigamae ate.
- Hiji waza no oyo:
. 6 oshitaoshi (see days 3 & 4);
. 4 wakigatame (see days 3 & 4);
. 3 hikitaoshi (see day 4);
. 1 udehineri (see day 4);
. 1 udegaeshi with one arm, udehineri with the other with uke grabbing both sleeves (see day 4).

This was followed by a party on the mats with sake, zenzai, snacks and other beverages. We had a very interesting mini-session with Teranishi-sensei showing us how to defend ourselves against tall guys attacking us on the street... I think Joe Adams would tell the story better than I ever could.

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